A while ago I had the idea to write choose your own adventure stories on 4chan. I am not really sure why I thought this would be an interesting concept, but one day I just tried it. Surprisingly, people loved the first story.
And so I did it again.
And I kept doing it. After a while people asked where they could read the things that I wrote in case they missed some of the stories, especially since I started creating multi-thread or even multi-day plots. For a while I just tried to get everything into 4chanarchive, but that relies on moderators keeping everything, and that's not going to happen.
So someone asked if I would just put up a blog. And so I did.
Over the past couple of months I have written a ridiculous amount of content. The No Choices versions of the stories, as of February 21st of 2011, are nearly 65k words in total. The "Where Am I?" series alone is 20k words. The Sunday Crime Trilogy is another 20k words. We have seen rampages (a lot of them actually), insanity, mystery, love, and even a crime saga.
I have no idea how many people the main characters have killed, or how many they have fucked.
So long as I am not busy with work (and I often get very busy with work), I will keep writing if people want to keep reading.
Update: Wrote another story recently. Hadn't written in a long time... was a ton of fun.